Administrator, 22 December 2022 598 Views
The Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Pancasila as the management unit for the doctoral study program in pharmaceutical sciences (UPPSDIF) was established in 1963 with the status of “Registered” based on Ministerial Decree P.T.I.P No. 90/b-Swt/P-64 dated 13 July 1964 and under the auspices of the Pancasila University Foundation. At first, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila only had a Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program, then since 1972 the Pharmacist Study Program was established, the Diploma III Study Program was established in 2004, the Pharmacy Science Masters Program was established in 2003. status “Equated” with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0578/0/1990.
Through the struggle of the entire academic community, the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Pancasila (FFUP) succeeded in obtaining a B accreditation rating in 1998 based on BAN PT decision No. 001/BAN-PT/AK-I/VII/1998 dated August 19, 1998, then successfully upgraded to A accreditation in 2003 based on BAN PT decision No. 015/BAN-PT/Ak.VII/S-1/VII/2003 dated July 18, 2003 and maintained with A accreditation in 2008 re-accreditation based on BAN PT decision No. 001/BAN-PT/Ak-XI/S1/IV/2008, and was maintained with A accreditation in 2013 based on BAN PT decision No. 192/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-XVI/S/IX/2013 dated 21 September 2013.
Currently, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University, organizes 5 study programs with accreditation:
Diploma (D3) Pharmacy | SUPERIOR | 0410/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip/XI/2020 |
Bachelor of Pharmacy (S1) | A | 0356/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/V/2018 |
Apoteker (Profesi) | A | 0738/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/XII/2019 |
Master of Pharmaceutical Science (S2) | SUPERIOR | 0398/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Mag/VI/2022 |
Doctor of Pharmacy Science (S3) | VERY WELL | 0489/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dok/XI/2021 |