To be declared graduated from pharmacist professional education and obtain a pharmacist degree (Apt.), Pharmacist Study Program students of the Faculty of Pharmacy are required to take a series of Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Test (UKAI) exams. This exam consists of CBT (Computer Based Test) and OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination).

The Pharmacy Study Program of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila held an Internal UKAI CBT Tryout on August 3-4, 2020 at the CBT Center on the 4th floor of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University. The Internal UKAI CBT tryout is carried out to prepare students for the CBT Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Test (UKAI) national exam which will be held on September 26, 2020.

At the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University, the Internal UKAI CBT Tryout is held in 2 days, each day consisting of 2 sessions. The first session starts at 08.00 and ends at 11.20 WIB. The second session starts at 13.00 and ends at 16.20 WIB. There are 123 students who take this exam.

Because it was carried out during the corona pandemic, this CBT exam was carried out while maintaining social distancing and observing health protocols. Therefore, the CBT Center which has a capacity of 55 participants is only filled with a maximum of 34 participants. To maintain order, before carrying out the test, participants are quarantined first. Participants are prohibited from bringing items that have been determined by the committee and checked before entering the exam room.

Mrs. Apt. Rika Sari Dewi, M.Farm., as the coordinator of the UKAI CBT Tryout explained that in the UKAI series of Pharmacist Study Programs there should also be a national tryout and a national pharmacist exam. However, due to the pandemic, the implementation of the national tryout was canceled and handed over to the respective PTFs. Therefore, this time the national tryout was replaced with the Internal UKAI CBT Tryout exam. Furthermore, the national exam will still be held in September this year.

This CBT simulation exam can go according to plan because on August 1, 2020 participants have been briefed on the SOP for conducting online exams.

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