Tuesday (18/10) there has been a Cooperation Agreement between the Tarakan Regional General Hospital, the Special Capital Region of Jakarta and the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University, concerning the Implementation of Field Work and Research Practices for Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University. Also attending the event, representatives from the Tarakan Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Dra. F. Kurniasari, MARS., apt. M. Fahmi Adi P, S.Farm and Mrs. Zufrida Novi, SKM, and the Dean of FFUP Prof. Dr. apt. Syamsudin, M. Biomed and his staff, Deputy Dean III, Dr. apt. Ni Made Dwishandiutami, M.Kes.
In this collaboration activity, FFUP and Tarakan Hospital agreed to collaborate to improve clinical research and other research in the health sector, with research focused on the 10 Most Diseases in Hospitals. In addition, the hospital is willing to accept students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University who will carry out the Pharmacist Professional Work Practice (PKPA) whose number is in accordance with the capacity of the Teaching Hospital. This activity was closed with a visit to several FFUP work units.