Each lecturer carries out the duties of the Tridharma of Higher Education which includes activities of Education, Research and Scientific Development, and Community Service. One of the work programs of the Pancasila University Masters (UP) is Community Service (PKM) which is carried out in accordance with the university’s vision and mission. Pancasila University PKM work program, one of which is holding counseling.
On August 19, 2020, the Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences (S2) of the Faculty of Pharmacy held an outreach activity to the community around the campus with the theme “Good Hand Washing Counseling, Use of Hand Sanitizers and Distribution of Basic Foods to Residents of RW 05, Srengseng Sawah Village, Jagakarsa District, South Jakarta”. Considering that this activity is still in the Covid-19 pandemic, this activity is carried out by complying with health protocols, such as wearing masks and maintaining distance. The counseling which was held in the even semester of 2019/2020 involved master’s lecturers, alumni, and IAI members from PC – IAI South Jakarta.
Preparation for the event was carried out by asking for permission to hold PKM activities from the RW 05 Sub-District, Srengseng Sawah Sub-district, Jagakarsa District, South Jakarta by submitting a letter of application, taking care of administration (correspondence), and preparing counseling materials in the form of practices on how to wash hands and use a good hand sanitizer. In addition, the team prepared 75 food packages to be distributed to community representatives in the front yard of the parking area of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University.

The counseling activity was opened with remarks from the Chief Executive Dr. apt. Deni Rahmat, M.Sc. remarks from the Head of the Master of Pharmacy Study Program, Dr. apt. Ratna Djamil, M.Sc., remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila, Prof. Dr. apt. Shirly Kumala, M.Biomed, as well as remarks from the Head of RW Mr. Saptiar Rufa’i, S.E. The next event was counseling and practice on how to wash hands and how to use a good hand sanitizer, followed by the distribution of basic necessities. Because it is still in the pandemic period, basic food items are given to representatives of the residents to then be distributed to other residents.