The Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila in collaboration with several pharmaceutical industries/companies held an open recruitment activity for graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila, especially the pharmacist study program. The open recruitment activity lasted for 5 days from 24-28 August 2020 at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University. Several companies that participated in the campus hiring activity on this occasion include: PT Pharos Indonesia, PT Indofarma, PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories, PT Dico Citas, and PT Dexa Medica.

Campus Hiring is a work program from the Student Affairs and Alumni Division of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University, which is held regularly twice a year, in February and August. The purpose of holding the Campus Hiring activity is to establish mutually beneficial cooperation between the pharmaceutical industry which requires competent workforce in the pharmaceutical field and the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila.

As a higher education institution in the field of pharmacy that educates prospective workers who are competent in the pharmaceutical field, the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila has collaborated with more than 20 (twenty) pharmaceutical institutions for campus hiring activities. Due to the still high Covid19 pandemic, in this campus hiring activity, the number of participants and the industry collaborating has decreased. Under normal conditions, there are 15 to 20 companies participating in campus hiring activities and the event usually lasts for almost 2 (two) weeks.

With so many pharmaceutical companies participating in the Campus Hiring activity, it shows that graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila are quite taken into account in meeting the needs of human resources in the pharmaceutical industry. This of course is also very beneficial for the students of the Faculty of Pharmacy after they graduate. Pharmacy alumni will find it easy enough to get a job according to their scientific field.

In the future, Campus Hiring activities will continue to be improved in their implementation. The Faculty of Pharmacy of the University will always cooperate with the pharmaceutical industry or companies, both nationally and internationally.

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