The role of Pharmacy in public health is very necessary as a real manifestation of a pharmacist to the community. In order to make this happen, on July 23-24, the Student Senate of the Faculty of Pharmacy UP Student Family implemented the 2022 Community Health Pharmacy (FSM) program.

The activity, which was held in Sukamakmur Village, Bogor, took the theme: Serving with Action, Moving by Familiarizing with Healthy Life Behavior. This theme was raised because it is a form of students to directly assist the community in carrying out a real action in the form of building and improving the welfare of the community by sharing useful things and creating healthy habits of behavior in everyday life.

In this outreach activity, the Deputy Dean for Division III, Dr. apt. Ni Made Dwi Sandhiutami, M.Kes., and representatives of pharmacy lecturers and students from the FFUP Senate and Fractions. FSM events that have been carried out have focused on health and social aspects. The socialization aimed at the people of Sukamakmur Village, such as how to maintain health during the endemic period, socialization of the planting of Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA), as well as social activities for health checks and distribution of Nine Basic Ingredients (SEMBAKO).

By holding this event, it is hoped that the community will be more aware and understand the importance of personal health which must be checked regularly to ensure that the body is protected from disease. TOGA planting aims to provide more knowledge to the community about the benefits of each medicinal plant planted in the vicinity. [rh]

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