Monday (20/3), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila held an inauguration and swearing-in ceremony for class 69 pharmacists. The event took place offline at the Ronatama Hall Building and was broadcast live through the Official Pharmacy channel of University of Pancasila.

The inauguration and pronunciation of the Pharmacist Oath was opened directly by the Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. apt. Syamsudin, M.Biomed and continued by the reading of the Dean’s Decree by the Head of the Pharmacist Professional Study Program, apt. Hesty Utami Ramadaniati, M.CLin., Ph.D.

In this event, the Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Council was also present represented by Dr. apt. Maryani, S.Farm., MKM. which also directly guides the pharmacist oath recitation ceremony. Also present were Mrs. apt. Dra. R. Dettie Yuliati, M.Si. as Vice Chairman of PP IAI, Chairman of the Board of Education Foundation and UP Trustee Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met, Rector of Pancasila University, Prof. Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno, S.H, M.Si, FCBArb.

Rector of University of Pancasila, Prof. Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno, S.H, M.Si, FCBArb. congratulating the successful completion of the Pharmacist Professional Study Program (PSPA), graduates are expected to practice pharmacy responsibly and perform services according to science, as well as establish good relationships with other health professions.

Member of the Pharmaceutical Council, apt. Maryani, S.Farm., MKM. Congratulating the 69th batch of pharmacists and reminding that this activity was not the end of the struggle but the starting point to contribute knowledge and play a role in health development in the pharmaceutical field.

Vice Chairman of PP IAI, apt. Dra. R. Dettie Yuliati, M.Si. said that the inauguration procession and the swearing-in of pharmacists that have just been carried out is the most ideal model compared to the inauguration and swearing-in of other health workers. The only inauguration and oath-taking stipulated by the regulation of the minister of health involving 3 stakeholders, namely the government (KTKI), Professional Organizations (IAI), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila, Representatives of Educational Institutions, hopefully this good example can be maintained through preconsultation later.

The Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. apt. Syamsudin, M.Biomed in his speech also conveyed messages and hopes to new pharmacists regarding the constancy of attitude and mentality in facing success and failure. He reminded that the success achieved, should be grateful and sincerely grateful for the hard help of lecturers, and parents who made all this possible.  The hope of FFUP lecturers and leaders is that new pharmacists will be able to prove themselves as excelent pharmacists and have a commitment to provide the best pharmaceutical services to the community and make a significant contribution to development in the health sector.

FFUP at the inauguration and pronunciation of the pharmacist oath this period succeeded in inducting 85 new pharmacists, bringing the total PSPA graduates in March to 5693. The best graduates who won the Dexa Award were handed over to the best 69 pharmacist graduates, apt. Ratna Fatimah, S.Farm. with a GPA of 4.00. [rh].

The Inauguration and Oath of Pharmacists Class 69 Video can be seen on the following page:

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