JAKARTA – Located in the Hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila, Thursday, March 25, 2021, the Inauguration and Oath-taking of the 65th Pharmacists of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University, was held with strict prokes standards in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the inauguration and oath-taking of 98 new pharmacists, Indra Utama, Member of the Supervisory Board representing the Pancasila University Education and Trustee Foundation (YPPUP), received a number of messages in his speech.
In carrying out pharmaceutical services, a pharmacist must ensure three important legalities, namely the legality of pharmaceutical personnel, the legality of service facilities, and the legality of products.
“A pharmacist must have the motto “READY”, namely Skill, Innovation, Attitude, and Professional,” said Indra Utama, a 1984 Civil Engineering alumnus who is also the General Chair of PP KAUP 2017/2019. Skill, has the meaning that a pharmacist can hone skills, improve skills with various existing media.

Innovation means that a pharmacist must be able to adapt to technological developments, and have innovation in his work, Attitude means that a pharmacist must have a noble mind, and Professional means that a pharmacist must carry out professional, responsible, and prioritize legal ethics services. .
At the inauguration and taking the oath which was also attended by the National Pharmacy Committee Management, Central Executive, Provincial Management and Branch Managers of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association, Vice Chancellor II of Pancasila University, Dr. apt. Novi Yanti, M.Si, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. apt. Shirly Kumala, M. Biomed, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila.
I hope that all pharmacists from the batch 65 of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University, who have been inaugurated, have knowledge that is beneficial to all circles. “Keep the big name of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila,” pleaded Novi, who is also an alumni of the UP Faculty of Pharmacy.

In another part of the remarks from the Pancasila University Education and Trustees Foundation delivered by Indra Utama, he invited all new Pharmacists to be able to take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic atmosphere by carrying out structural transformations in pharmaceutical services. Utilizing technological advances to make services in the pharmaceutical sector more quality, affordable, efficient, and effective.
“New pharmacists must also be able to work professionally and responsibly according to their competence. Currently, there are around 82,000 pharmacists throughout Indonesia who carry out their duties. In carrying out the vision and mission as health workers, pharmacists in addition to running a business in the pharmaceutical sector, must also support the government’s efforts, especially in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, “continued Indra Utama.

He hopes that new pharmacists must be able to play a role not only to ensure the quality of medicines, but also to provide pharmaceutical care-based pharmaceutical services. If you are later involved in developing products and doing business, make attractive packaging and register them with HAKI/Patents.
The challenges faced by pharmacists today are increasingly complex. Pharmacists must be able to become leaders in the world of work, especially in the pharmaceutical sector. In addition to carrying out their functions and responsibilities, pharmacists must also be able to be good partners for other health workers. New pharmacists must continue to be consistent in maintaining the dignity of the profession and must always be diligent in conducting various researches in the health sector that are beneficial to the nation and state.
On behalf of the Pancasila University Education and Trustee Foundation (YPPUP), Indra Utama congratulated and wished success to the newly inaugurated pharmacists who took their oaths today. “I also convey my congratulations to the families of the new Pharmacists who always provide both moral and material support. To the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellors, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and the entire academic community of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University. Hopefully the Pharmacist Study Program of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila will always graduate pharmacists who not only have competence in their field but also pharmacists who have the ethics and personality of Pancasila, “said Indra Utama.
Source : https://benchmarknews.co