International Society to Improve the Use of Medicines (ISIUM) Improving Use of Medicines Connecting, Learning, Moving Forward”. ISIUM Conference designed for researchers, Professors, Government and representing academia around the world.

Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Pancasila (FFUP) the mission is to be a reputable institution in global context. apt. Sondang Khairani, M.Farm and apt. Reise Manninda, M.Farm researchers and lecturer from FFUP attended the ISIUM 2023 be held at the Kantary Hotels in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 28-30 October 2023. Conference themes include patients and engaged communities for rational use of medicines, working across sectors to improve use of medicines, using data to identify rational medicine use problems, learning from each other, finding innovative solutions to old and new problems, medicalisation of society.

ISIUM conference benefit for FFUP researchers to disseminate our research in Indonesia, discuss with another academia, professional around the world, and connecting international networking. ISIUM Conference during three days, we was presented two research article through poster presentation with tittle “Evaluation of Antibiotics Treatment Compliance for Pneumonia Patients Based on Therapy Guidelines in Governments Type B Hospitals at Jakarta and NTB” presented by apt. Sondang Khairani, M.Farm. Article through oral presentation by apt. Reise Manninda, M.Farm with the tittle “Polypharmacy and the occurrence of potential drug interaction geriatric patient COVID-19 in Karawang General Regional Hospital, Indonesia”.

Furthermore, another title are “Comparing Prescription Compliance Practices: a Study of Online and Bricks and Mortar Pharmacies in Indonesia (Oral Presenter). Are More Expensive Medicines Better Quality? Evidence from Indonesia (Oral Prensenter). Efficacy and Safety of Generic Gefitinib in JKN Insurance in Indonesia (Poster Presenter). Can Low Wage Indonesians Afford to Buy Medivine? Evidence from 7 Districts (Poster Presenter) presenting by Centre for Pharmaceutical Studies, Management and Policy (Cephas) FFUP project STARmeds.

1. apt. Sondang Khairani, M.Farm (Dosen, mahasiswi S3 dan STARmeds tim). Article through oral presentation Evaluation of Antibiotics Treatment Compliance for Pneumonia Patients Based on Therapy Guidelines in Governments Type B Hospitals at Jakarta and NTB (poster presenter)
2. apt. Reise Manninda, M.Farm (Dosen dan STARmeds tim) with the tittle “Polypharmacy and the occurrence of potential drug interaction geriatric patient COVID-19 in Karawang General Regional Hospital, Indonesia” (oral presenter)
3. Vinky Maria, S.Farm, M.Farm (Alumni Magif dan STARmeds tim): Are More Expensive Medicines Better Quality? Evidence from Indonesia (Oral Prensenter).
4. apt. Mawaddati Rahmi, S.Farm, M.Farm (STARmeds tim): Comparing Prescription Compliance Practices: a Study of Online and Bricks and Mortar Pharmacies in Indonesia (Oral Presenter).
5. apt. Fitri Nurhayati, M.Farm (mahasiswa S3 dan STARmeds Tim): Efficacy and Safety of Generic Gefitinib in JKN Insurance in Indonesia (Poster Presenter).
6. apt. William Nathanael W, S.Farm (STARmeds tim): Can Low Wage Indonesians Afford to Buy Medivine? Evidence from 7 Districts (Poster Presenter) presenting by Centre for Pharmaceutical Studies, Management and Policy (Cephas) FFUP project STARmeds.

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