The construction of the SUNARTO PRAWIROSUJANTO Library is currently entering its third month, at the output indicator level, there is a 400 m2 two-storey library building (front view).
First month Land maturation and construction of retaining walls, as well as building designs. Second month Construction of the library building structure of 400 m2.
At the operational level, this raises obstacles at every level of activity, ranging from planning, land preparation, library design management, land maturation, land designation, as well as operational supervision of the implementation of its development as well as security problems in the field. communication and networking with many formal and informal groups can still be overcome.
Assuming the current performance input indicators, it is planned that construction will be completed in 2009, namely the realization of a FFUP campus library with the name SUNARTO PRAWIROSUJANTO Library consisting of a 2-storey building, guest house, and environmental facilities including a power house and sports facilities. In the site plan we also plan a wifi area so that all campus community members can access the internet in the FFUP campus environment, this needs to be realized in order to provide service to stakeholders so that when they enter campus they feel comfortable.