XXVI Student Development
XXVI Student Development

Administrator, 6 February 2010 674 Views

Student Development is one of the FF-KMUP SEMA activities that is useful for training FFUP students to become honest, wise and highly dedicated leaders, especially in organizations. Leaders are said to be successful if they have succeeded in progressively realizing a predetermined goal.

In addition, students are expected to be able to understand student dynamics, student problems, student development strategies and programs, and student organizations at Pancasila University. With the theme of Shaping the Character of Qualified, Competent and Highly Intellectual Leader Candidates through XXVI Student Development.

Day & Date:Saturday-Sunday / 23-24 January 2010
a Place:Center for Data and Information Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia Jl. Fatmawati, Pondok Labu.

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