The Language Institute of Pancasila University (LB UP) in collaboration with the Institute for Research and Community Service of the University of Pancasila (LPPM UP) held the First Phase Workshop “Publishing Scientific Articles in Reputable International Journals”, located in the Hall of the Faculty of Law UP (12/12). This activity is held with the aim that lecturers and also master and doctoral level students can publish writings in reputable journals later, and there are phases or stages in this activity, the first by instilling high motivation and determination for lecturers and students to produce written papers or scientific articles, then in the second stage we hope that the lecturers will make drafts in Indonesian format so that authors can freely write and translate the material to be delivered, then the third stage will enter the stage of translating Indonesian into English, until the final result later this scientific article will be completed and will be sent to the intended journal, said Prof. Dr. Mashadi Said, M.Pd. The Head of LB UP who is also the Chief Executive of this activity, he continued, the second phase will be carried out in January and so on until April, the target is that there are articles that can be published in international reputable journals.

The Chancellor of Pancasila University, Prof. Dr. Wahono Sumaryono, Apt. in his remarks, I appreciate that with this collaboration and elaboration activity, we will encourage LB UP to be more towards the development of soft skills training for lecturers and students, how to write good and correct scientific papers according to Indonesian and foreign language rules, negotiation skills training, debating in English, later in addition to English there will be several other foreign languages that will be a concern to be developed, namely Korean, Japanese and Mandarin, in this increasingly developing era English is mandatory, so students must be equipped to be able to compete and compete well, he said. Returning to scientific articles, it is hoped that with workshops and training activities like this, many articles will be accepted in national and international accredited journals.

LPPM UP under the leadership of Dra. Hj. Dewi Trirahayu, SE., MM. some time ago it also succeeded in increasing the performance cluster in the field of Community Service by reaching the 65th place out of 1166 universities (PTN and PTS) in Indonesia, winning the Very Good Cluster, based on the results of the performance assessment in the field of community service in higher education, and also in UP’s research sector was ranked 45th out of 1977 universities (PTN and PTS) throughout Indonesia, then won the Mandiri cluster based on the results of the performance assessment in the field of higher education with the components evaluated included research resources (30%), research management (15%). , output (50%), and revenue generating (5%). The assessment of higher education research performance for the 2016-2018 period is carried out based on data that has been collected by each university in the Research Management Information System and Community Service (Simlitabmas). The results were presented by the Minister of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency (Ristek/BRIN) based on an analysis of verified data, added Prof. Wahono. In this activity, several speakers, including Prof. Dr. Syamsudin, M. Biomed., Apt. who delivered a lecture on “General Requirements of International Journal Article Publication”, Prof. Dr. Mashadi Said, M.Pd. who delivered material on “Writing Article Introduction: C.A.R.S Model”, and Devi Roza Kautsar, Ph.D., & Dr. Ismail, ST., MT. who delivered material on “Lesson Learned in International Journal Article Publication”.

Source: Public Relations of Universitas Pancasila “One Blue, Blue Pancasila”

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