Congratulations and Success to Esti Mulatsari, M.Sc for the opportunity as a Visiting Research Fellow at University College Cork (UCC), Ireland.
Together with Prof. Elizabeth Pisani, and Dr. Dara Fitzpatrick, FICI, MRSC., Esti Mulatsari carried out a research project at the UCC laboratory for one week (29th April β 3rd May 2024). This research includes testing the quality of medicines from Indonesia using new technology developed at UCC called BARDS (Broadband Acoustic Resonance Dissolution Spectroscopy). Medicine quality testing using BARDS is carried out to ensure differences in the profile of one medicine from another one in a predetermined category. The positive outcome of this research project is that it can provide a more cost- and time-effective alternative way to detect problematic or fraudulent medicines. Before carrying out this project, Esti Mulatsari also had experience in research testing of medicines quality in Indonesia using the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia and US Pharmacopeia methods in the project of Systematic Tracking of At Risk Medicines (STARmeds).
With full support from Prof. Dr. apt. Syamsudin, M.Biomed as Dean of FFUP; Prof. Dr. apt. Yusi Anggriani, M.Kes as Head of Center For Pharmaceutical Policy, Management, and Services Study (Cephas) FFUP, and the entire FFUP academic community, this collaboration is expected to provide benefits for the success of the Faculty of Pharmacy, especially in achieving IKU and expanding international collaboration networks and can inspire and improve the competence of FFUP lecturers.