Pancasila University (UP) made another achievement by inaugurating four professors in an academic procession held on Tuesday (25/2/2025). Of the four professors inaugurated, two of them came from the Faculty of Pharmacy of Pancasila University (FFUP), namely Prof. Dr. apt. Esti Mumpuni, M.Si and Prof. apt. Hesty Utami Ramadaniati, M.Clin.Pharm., Ph.D.

The inauguration ceremony was also attended by Chairman of the Universitas Pancasila Education and Development Foundation (YPPUP) Siswono Yudo Husodo, UP Rector Prof. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo, and other Pancasila University officials. This inauguration marks an extraordinary academic achievement for professors who have contributed to the development of science in their respective fields.

In his speech, UP Rector Prof. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo said that to make Universitas Pancasila a superior campus, the number of professors must continue to be increased. “In order to become a superior campus, we must have 75 to 80 professors. Currently, we only have 34 professors, so we must continue to spur the achievement to double,” he said.

The Faculty of Pharmacy of Universitas Pancasila (FFUP) now has a total of 12 professors, following the addition of two new professors. Prof. Dr. apt. Esti Mumpuni, M.Si was confirmed as a Professor in the field of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Medicinal Chemistry, while Prof. apt. Hesty Utami Ramadaniati, M.Clin.Pharm., Ph.D earned the title of Professor in Clinical and Community Pharmacy.

Apart from the two professors from the Faculty of Pharmacy, the other two professors who were inaugurated in this event were Prof. Devi Roza Krisnandhi Kausar, Ph.D., CHE from the Faculty of Tourism with expertise in Tourism Science, and Prof. Dr. Herawati Zetha Rahman, MT from the Faculty of Engineering with expertise in Infrastructure Innovative Management and Financing.

The addition of these professors is expected to further strengthen Universitas Pancasila position as a superior higher education institution, as well as encourage the improvement of academic and research quality in various fields of science. With the addition of 2 professors in the Faculty of Pharmacy, FFUP is increasingly optimistic to achieve higher academic targets in the future.

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