Bogor (19/2) – As part of the community service program, an activity entitled “Technology Transformation of Etlingera elatior-Based Raw Material Availability for Nutrasetical Products” was carried out by a team of lecturers and students of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Putat Nutug Village, Ciseeng District, Bogor Regency. This activity aims to increase the utilization of kecombrang plants (Etlingera elatior) as raw materials for nutrasetical products and encourage the empowerment of local communities.

This activity was filled with a series of educational and hands-on activities involving various elements of the community, including students of SDN Putat Nutug 03 and local PKK women. The event began with the planting of kecombrang trees by students of SDN Putat Nutug 03. With great enthusiasm, the children planted kecombrang seedlings on the prepared land, accompanied by teachers and Putat Nutug village officials. This activity aims to instill environmental awareness and introduce the benefits of the kecombrang plant from an early age.

After the planting session, the activity continued with training on making kecombrang-based drinks guided by the PKM Team. The PKK women of Putat Nutug Village enthusiastically participated in this training, where they were taught how to process kecombrang into drinks with high nutritional value. Kecombrang is known to have various health benefits, including as a natural source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.

In his speech, the head of PKM Dr. apt. Faizatun, M.Si expressed her hope that this activity could be the first step for the Putat Nutug Village community to further develop local potential and process it into high-economic value products. With the use of technology and innovation, kecombrang is not only an ordinary plant, but also a source of valuable raw materials for the nutrasetical industry.

This activity is also in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially on points:

  1. SDG 2: End Hunger – By processing kecombrang into nutritious products, it is expected to support community food security.
  2. SDG 3: Healthy and Prosperous Life – Kecombrang-based products can be part of a healthy lifestyle with its health benefits.
  3. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production – Encouraging the sustainable use of local resources.

With this activity, it is hoped that the Putat Nutug Village community will be increasingly encouraged to optimally utilize local natural resources, and have the skills to process agricultural products into products that have added value. This activity is a tangible form of synergy between academics and the community in building economic independence based on local resources.


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