The Doctor of Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University (FFUP) once again held a PhD Meeting seminar which is routinely held every semester. On this occasion, the seminar raised the theme “Natural Product Utilization and Innovation: From Bench to Market” and was held in a hybrid format (offline and online) on Friday, February 21, 2025, at the 2nd floor meeting room of FFUP.

This seminar presented invited speakers, namely four alumni of the Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Study Program who have extensive experience in the field of natural product research and innovation. The speakers shared in-depth insights into the process of utilizing and developing natural products from the research stage to the commercialization stage. This was followed by oral presentation of doctoral candidates’ research progress in front of peers, alumni, professors and lecturers of FFUP.

This event has an important role as a discussion forum for doctoral candidates to obtain constructive input, broaden their horizons regarding the latest research trends, and support the development of innovation in the pharmaceutical field. The PhD Meeting Seminar is not only a forum for research presentations, but also serves as a scientific forum that brings together academics and practitioners to share experiences and innovative ideas.

Through this seminar, FFUP’s Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science Study Program affirms its commitment in encouraging innovative and applicable research.

Hopefully, this activity can be a useful learning tool and open wider collaboration opportunities between academia and industry.

Hopefully, this PhD Meeting seminar can continue to take place by carrying themes that are relevant to the development of the pharmaceutical world, as well as providing encouragement for doctoral candidates to complete their studies and produce quality research and benefit the community.

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