In a series of 61st Anniversary activities carried out by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University, located on Jl. Lenteng Agung Raya No. 56 RT 001 RW 03 Srengseng Sawah Village, Jagakarsa District, South Jakarta, held a Seminar and Book Review with the topic: The Miracle of Oral Albumin which was held on Thursday (18/7).

Appearing as speakers in the Seminar and Book Review of The Miracle of ORAL ALBUMIN Natural Channa Striata Extract, were Prof. Dr. dr. Haerani Rasyid, M.Sc, SpPD-KGH, SpGK, FINASIM, Dr. (Cand) dr. Resna Murti Wibowo, Sp.Pd, FINASIM, M.Kes, Ch, CHt, and discussant Dr. (Cand) Edward Basilianus SE, SH, MM, author of the book Cipto Kokadir, with Moderator Dr. apt. Greesty Finotory Swandiny, M.Farm.

The seminar and book review event began with Opening Speech by Prof. Dr. apt. Syamsudin, M.Biomed.
The book written by Cipto Kokadir provides an in-depth explanation, research results, and the benefits of Oral Albumin produced through the extraction of Channa striata (cork fish) for the human body.

Channa Striata Extract, which is a natural animal resource from Indonesia, is a highly beneficial Oral Albumin with high nutritional content. Channa striata extract also contains Vit A, B1, B3, B6, B9, B12, Vit D3, Vit E, Omega-3-6-9, Peptide Amino, complete Amino Acid profile, Zinc, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium and various Flavonoids. This extract is very beneficial for health, especially as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, nootropic for brain and nerve health, anti-cancer, and accelerates wound healing.

In addition, albumin is very important in maintaining the balance of body fluids and transporting essential nutrients and optimizing the performance of medical drugs in the blood and body cells. Oral albumin is safe and can be used as a daily supplement for diabetics, heart patients, kidney patients, adjuvants for cancer patients and seniors. Channa striata extract as oral albumin is the work and innovation of Indonesian children.

The Miracle of Oral Albumin Book Seminar held on the 2nd Floor of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Pancasila University was a breakthrough of Nucleus Farma in collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy of Pancasila University. The university was established 61 years ago on July 13, 1963 and is the oldest private university in Indonesia.

In the discussion of the Seminar Channa Striata which is the Latin name of Cork Fish which is commonly found in Indonesia has been researched for 8 years ago by Nucleas Farma and Pancasila University now the Cork Fish extract has been produced into a supplement known by the patent name ONOIWA in the form of capsules and liquids.

Dr. Cipto Kokodir, the author of the book explains the natural extract of Channa Striata and its benefits as an important source of supplements for the human body. Albumin is the fundament or guardian of the human body, fulfilling nutrients for the body.

“I want to share with the people of the world with what I write and have my own happiness” said Cipto Kokadir, the author of the book during his interview with the media.

The seminar was attended by Prof. Dr. Apt Syamsudin, M.Biomed Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Pancasila University, Dr. dr. Resna Murti Wibowo, Sp.Pd.,.FINASIM, M.Kes., Ch.CHt. Lecturer of Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Author Cipto Kokadir, with Moderator Dr. apt. Greesty Finotory Swandiny, M.Farm and Prof. Dr. dr. Haerani Rasyid, M.Sc., SpPD- KGH, SpGK, FINASIM Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanudin University and Dr. Edward Basilionus, S.E., S.H., M.M.. CEO of Nuckeus Farma who attended online. Prof. Ross Sumarni and students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Pancasila University were also present as resource persons.

Activity Recordings can be viewed at the following Youtube link:

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