Rofiqoh Hadiyati, 18 December 2024 29 Views
Health services for students are provided by Pancasila University in the form of a health room located in the Universitas Pancasila Mosque Hall Building and a pharmacy located in the Universitas Pancasila Faculty of Pharmacy Building.
This Health Room is a supporting facility for health services provided for students and academics of Universitas Pancasila free of charge.
Operational Hours: 08.00 – 15.00 WIB
Doctor’s Operating Hours: 08.00 – 13.00 WIB
Doctor’s Schedule dr. Ervita Damayanti Sari Monday, Thursday and Friday
dr. Septa Gayatri Tuesday and Wednesday
The available examination services include blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid, first aid services. In addition, this Health room also provides light medicines needed for academicians who are sick.
Universitas Pancasila provides a pharmacy facility under the management of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila. Currently, the Pancasila Pharmacy has 800 items of medicine and medical devices with 3 professional staff (2 pharmacists, 1 TTK) and 42 Kofarsila members. As an educational pharmacy located on the Universitas Pancasila campus, the Pancasila Pharmacy meets the needs of the Universitas Pancasila Community for medicine and health supplies and provides excellent, standardized and value-added pharmaceutical services. The FFUP Pharmacy serves doctor’s prescriptions, self-medication (requests for medicine from patients without a prescription), drug counseling, drug information, and health checks, vitamins, multivitamins, over-the-counter drugs, consumables such as sterile gauze, hansaplast, and other health devices.
Health services for students are provided by Pancasila University in the form of a health room located in the Universitas Pancasila Mosque Hall Building and a pharmacy located in the Universitas Pancasila Faculty of Pharmacy Building.