Saturday (2/11), a seminar titled “Utilization of AI (Artificial Intelligence) for Research & Scientific Journal Articles” was held in Meeting Room Lt 2 FFUP. This hybrid event was successfully held with high enthusiasm from lecturers, students and general researchers. They gathered to explore the role and benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world of research.

The event was opened with a warm welcome from the Vice Dean for Education, Prof. Dr. apt. Dian Ratih Laksmitawati, M. Biomed, who emphasized the importance of technology integration, especially AI in improving research efficiency and effectiveness.

The seminar presented a resource person as well as a researcher, lecturer and consultant, Rony S. Y. Zebua, S.T., M.Pd. an AI expert, who delivered material on how AI can be used to analyze big data more quickly and accurately. He gave a concrete example of the use of machine learning in health research, where AI algorithms are able to identify patterns that are difficult to see by humans.

He also shared his experience in optimizing the scientific article writing process with the help of AI. “With AI-based tools, we can analyze references more efficiently,” he explained, revealing how this technology can speed up the writing process and improve the quality of scientific papers. However, he also emphasized that we need not to fully rely on AI, as information that is easily present, can be misleading more easily, and can damage public trust, so we need to double-check and the importance of a careful and ethical approach in using AI technology for authorship.

The seminar ended with an interactive Q&A session, where participants were able to dig deeper into AI applications in their own research. Many participants felt inspired to further explore the utilization of AI in their fields. With relevant themes and competent speakers, this hybrid workshop successfully provided new insights and inspired researchers to utilize AI technology in their future works.

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