The Faculty of Pharmacy of Pancasila University held an open session for the promotion of Doctoral apt. Asarini, M.Farm, with the dissertation title “Study of the Combination Effect of Nigella sativa Extract, Andrographis paniculata and Propolis as Immunomodulator of Immune Response in Mice Infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis” held at the Faculty of Pharmacy hall, Monday (25/11).

In her research, Asarini focused on Tuberculosis (TB), which is still a problem of infectious diseases in Indonesia. It was explained that the management of patients with TB treatment takes a long time, which is about 6 to 9 months. When the body is infected by M. tuberculosis bacteria, the immune system will respond by activating immune mechanisms, one of which is the inflammatory process. This inflammatory process is very important in the body’s efforts to control infection, but can be a problem if there is excessive or uncontrolled inflammation. The role of immunomodulators is very important to reduce inflammation and repair damaged tissues due to inflammation by M. tuberculosis bacteria. There has been no research related to the combination of extracts used as immunomodulators, therefore in this study a combination of extracts of sambiloto, black cumin and propolis was used to analyze whether the combination of extracts has immunomodulatory activity against mice infected with M. tuberculosis by activating non-specific immune responses and specific immune responses.

The open session was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University, Prof. Dr. apt. Syamsudin, M.Biomed. who is also the promoter, and also attended by Co-promoters, Prof. apt. Taifo Mahmud, Ph.D. from Oregon State University and Drh. Yulvian Sani, Ph.D. from BRIN. The open session held on 25 November 2024 was a special moment, marking the highest academic achievement for Dr. apt. Asarini, M.Farm, as the 21st graduate of the Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science Study Program, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila.

In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy expressed his pride in the achievements of students who have successfully completed research at the doctoral level. He hoped that the Faculty of Pharmacy of Pancasila University, through this doctoral program, can continue to produce pharmaceutical scientists who are superior and globally competitive, and able to contribute to the development of pharmaceutical science and technology. [AM]

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