2010 Pharmacy Cup

Administrator, 1 March 2010 555 Views

Pharmacy Cup is a place to accommodate and develop the potential interests and talents of students and the academic community of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila in the field of sports. The competitions that will be held will also be varied, such as futsal, men’s basketball, women’s volleyball, table tennis, chess, badminton, soccer, billiards and rubik’s cube.

This event is held on:

Date : 08 March 2010 – 08 April 2010
Time : 16.00 WIB until finished
a Place : Field FFUP FEUP soccer field
: Jovan Badminton Sport Center Loby FFUP
: FFUP lecture hall Billiard Facility Depok Town Square

So it is hoped that all of my friends will participate in this event, yes, Be smart, be sporty and be competitive.

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