Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Pancasila (FFUP) held an Alumni Reunion event attended by hundreds of graduates from various batches (25/8). The FFUP Alumni Reunion was held at Menara 165 Jakarta and became a nostalgic event as well as a forum for sharing inspiration between alumni who now have careers in various fields of the pharmaceutical and health industry. The lively event was also enlivened by various tenants from fashion, skincare and food. The event was also closed with a networking session accompanied by live music. Alumni had the opportunity to exchange business cards, share experiences, and build valuable professional connections.

It is hoped that this kind of collaboration between academia and industry will continue, open up new opportunities, and encourage innovation in the field of pharmacy or skincare in Indonesia. With the end of this event, FFUP alumni went home with sweet nostalgia, new insights, and of course, extensive networking.

In this grand reunion, the Pharmacy Alumni Commissariat also launched the FFUP alumni website which can be accessed at KAUPFF.ID. This website was created specifically to stay connected, share information, and strengthen the relationship between alumni. Through this website, alumni can get the latest updates on alumni activities, interesting programs, collaboration opportunities, and many more.

“Reuni Akbar Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila 2024 menjadi ajang mengukir kembali memori, mempererat silaturahmi, dan merayakan pencapaian bersama. Dalam setiap detik, kita kembali bersatu sebagai keluarga besar farmasi, menyusuri jejak perjalanan yang telah kita lalui. Terima kasih telah menjadi bagian dari kisah indah ini.”

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