Another proud success was achieved by academics from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Pancasila University (FFUP). Prof. Dr. apt. Syamsudin, M.Biomed., as the Dean of FFUP, Dr. Kartiningsih, M.Si., as a lecturer, and Vinessa Gracia Putri, S.Farm., who is an alumnus of FFUP, were successfully selected as innovators in the prestigious competition “116 Innovations Indonesia-2024”. Carrying the theme of Health and Medicine, they presented an innovation in the form of Indonesian Herbal-based Instant Drink (Tin Leaf and Red Ginger) as Antiaging.

The judging process for this competition was conducted online in January 2025. Of the 226 proposals submitted throughout 2024, 52 made it through the review stage. In the end, only 50 proposals were selected as the best innovations, making this selection the most rigorous in the history of “100+ Innovation Indonesia”, which has been running for 17 years.

This success reflects the hard work and dedication of FFUP innovators in developing research that has a positive impact on society. This herbal-based innovation is expected to be an effective natural health solution and has great potential to continue to be developed.

The entire FFUP academic community congratulates this extraordinary achievement. Hopefully, this success can inspire other researchers to continue working and make a real contribution to the world of health and pharmacy in Indonesia.

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