FFUP Synergizes with ALPRO Pharmacy and IYSA for Innovation, Education and Research Development
FFUP Receives Benchmarking Visit from Faculty of Pharmacy, Bhakti Kencana University, Bandung
Asarini earns Doctorate Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences at FFUP
FFUP held Doctoral Promotion for the 21st Graduate of the Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science Study Program
More than 100 Pancasila University Students Visit PT Nose Herbal Indo Factory
FFUP Hosts Intensive Workshop on Documented Information Guidelines Based on ISO 10013:2021
FAPA Congress Parallel Session, FFUP Alumni as Keynote Speaker
12 FFUP Delegates Participate as Poster Presenters in FAPA Congress 2024
FFUP delegates participated as oral presenters in FAPA 2024 in Seoul