Administrator, 27 February 2023 1495 Views
Pancasila Pharmacy was established on July 27, 1999. The idea of Pancasila Pharmacy was initiated by Mrs. apt. Dra. Naniek S. Radjab with the concept of “Educational Pharmacy”. At that time, the establishment of a Pharmacy must be covered by a Cooperative, so the Pancasila Pharmacy Cooperative (KOFARSILA) was also established and reported to the Minister of Cooperatives. At that time, the Pharmacy Manager Pharmacist (APA) was Mr. Drs. M. Sumitro, Apt who was also the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila. Under the leadership of Dean Dr. apt. Siti Masroerah Broto Sutaryo, Pancasila Pharmacy was rebuilt with a wider and more strategic place. Then at this time the pharmacy license is operating again with the license number 28032300607320003 with Pharmacy Manager Pharmacist Prof. Dr. apt. Shirly Kumala, M.Biomed and apt. Rika Sari Dewi, M.Farm.
Currently, Pancasila Pharmacy has 800 items of medicine and medical supplies with 3 professionals (2 Pharmacists, 1 TTK) and 42 Kofarsila members. As an educational pharmacy located on the campus of Pancasila University, Pancasila Pharmacy fulfills the needs of the Univ. Pancasila University for medicines and health supplies and provides excellent, standardized and value-added pharmaceutical services. FFUP Pharmacy serves prescriptions, self-medication (requests for drugs from patients without a prescription), drug counseling, drug information, and health checks, vitamins, mutlivitamins, over-the-counter drugs, consumables such as sterile gauze, hansaplast, and other medical devices.
In addition to reactivating the FFUP pharmacy, in the future, the Pancasila Pharmacy Cooperative will also be equipped with savings and loans and healthy beverages.