A total of 12 FFUP delegates as poster presenters in the Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations (FAPA) Congress 2024 held on October 29 to November 2, 2024 in Seoul, South Korea. They presented their research results in the scientific section and medicines and health information categories. FAPA Congress is one of the means for pharmacists in Asia Pacific to share knowledge and knowledge as well as the results of research that has been done.
1. Zuhelmi Aziz (@zuhelmiaziz)
2. Novi Yantih (@davinabilzidan)
3. Faridah
4. Diah Kartika Pratami (@diahkartikapratami)
5. Ni Made Dwi Sandhiutami (@dwi_sandhiutami)
6. Kartiningsih
7. Desi Nadya Aulena (@desnad_22)
8. Rahmatul Qodriah (@rahmatulqodriah)
9. Faizatun (@faizatuncahyono)
10. Safira Nafisa @nafisafira
11. Siti Umroh Noor
12. Shelly Taurhesia @staurhesia
The FAPA Congress provides an opportunity to share research innovations that can provide tangible benefits and become a place to open up opportunities for cooperation in developing Indonesian natural ingredient-based products that can compete in the global market.